B4 Manga was founded by Michael J Huskey creator of Fade To Black the debut series of B4 Manga. B4 Mangas’s goal is to publish creator-owned Comics and OEM Manga and introduce those amazing stories to a worldwide audience in both digital and Print formats.
Creator-owned means the trademark and copyright of the work in question is wholly owned by its original creator. All OEM manga, comics, and graphic novels published by B4 Manga are creator-owned. While we as a company we mostly promote and distribute the titles we publish.
Carefully read our Submission Guidelines on the Submission Portal and follow the instructions.
E is for EVERYONE (all ages)
Suitable for all ages.
T is for TEEN (ages 12+)
Some material may not be suitable for children. May contain mild profanity, dark material or some material parents may find unsuitable or wish to discuss with younger readers.
T+ is for TEEN PLUS (ages 15+)
Some material may be inappropriate for children under 15/pre-teenagers. May contain profanity, minor violence, or drug paraphernalia where appropriate to the story. Parents are urged to be cautious.
M is for MATURE (ages 18+)
Material may contain sexually explicit content, heavy use of profanity, or excessive gore/violence and the story was created with an adult audience in mind.
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