In the ever-expanding universe of manga, a new series is set to captivate audiences worldwide. “Fade to Black,” created by the talented writer and artist Michael J. Huskey, promises to be a thrilling addition to the genre.
The Story
“Fade to Black” transports readers to a world where darkness conceals unimaginable horrors. In this shadowy realm, a secret race of humans stands as humanity’s last line of defense. Known by many names, these guardians have existed since ancient times, their sole purpose to protect mankind from the demons that lurk in the shadows. Trained in ancient arts and armed with mystical weapons, the guardians patrol the night, ensuring that the creatures of darkness never breach the light.
Their origins shrouded in mystery, these brave souls sacrifice their own safety to safeguard humanity, battling the forces of evil that threaten to engulf the world in eternal night. Who are these warriors? Where do they come from? These questions form the heart of “Fade to Black,” inviting readers to discover the secrets and join the fight against the encroaching darkness.
About the Creator
Michael J. Huskey, the creative force behind “Fade to Black,” is a writer and artist with a passion for storytelling. His unique vision and artistic talent bring this dark and compelling world to life, offering readers a gripping narrative filled with suspense, action, and mystery.
Why “Fade to Black” Stands Out
“Fade to Black” is not just another series; it is a testament to the power of creator-owned content. Published by B4 Manga, a newly formed publisher based in Denver, Colorado, the series exemplifies the company’s commitment to providing an outlet for those inspired by Japanese Manga, Anime, and Light Novels. B4 Manga aims to bridge the gap and offer these amazing creators a chance to live out their dreams.
With its unique blend of ancient mythology and modern-day settings, “Fade to Black” offers a fresh perspective on the classic battle between good and evil. The series’ rich narrative and well-developed characters ensure that readers will be hooked from the very first page.
Join the Adventure
As “Fade to Black” prepares to debut, manga fans eagerly await the chance to dive into this new and exciting world. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the genre or new to the world of manga, “Fade to Black” delivers an unforgettable reading experience.
Stay tuned for the release of “Fade to Black” and join the guardians in their fight against the darkness. Discover the secrets, unravel the mysteries, and become part of the epic tale that is “Fade to Black.”